"A laboratory becomes obsolete the day it is built" is a much quoted phrase. The reason is that new technologies require revisions in space planning. The challenge for the office was to counter this by building redundancy within the design to cater to future changes without changing the physical peripheries of the laboratory space. Situated in Greater NOIDA within the National Capital Region, the laboratory was built to International specifications for hydrocarbon research facilities. Innovations in the way static fire fighting tanks, that are usually tucked away in the basement, are arranged create a beautiful central courtyard fountain that can never be left dry.
B.P.C.L. is a corporate R & D Centre to monitor, integrate and centralize research work being carried out in their other laboratories spread over the country. It is also designed to have a pilot plant, an engine testing laboratory, an administrative building, a guest house and a training centre in its second phase of construction as indicated in the master plan.